Matthew Osowski, SIOR

Industrial Property Team

605 S Front Street, Suite 200 | Columbus, Ohio 43215

Columbus, Ohio 43215

614-629-5229 office | 614-397-4877 mobile

614-397-4877 mobile

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Kaydee Hurst
(614) 629-5226

Matt是NAI Ohio Equities工业地产团队的创始成员之一. 马特的主要房地产重点是在工业部门,专门从事官方直营bbin. 自2005年以来,他一直是持牌房地产专业人士,他将自己的成功归功于对客户的完全透明和坦率. 马特为自己对当今工业市场需求的专业市场知识感到自豪.

Matthew aligns himself with each client’s values, putting himself in their shoes to serve them wholeheartedly. 他对待每一笔交易的态度都是充分了解和评估客户的需求, point of view, and pain points, 然后提供可行的替代方案和正确的工具来做出明智的房地产决策.

Click here to view Industrial Property Team website

What do you like most about Commercial Real Estate?

The people and relationships. 每个人都认为我们只是做销售,然而,这并不完全正确. Yes, sales are a part of the business, 然而,人和关系远比下一次销售重要得多. Getting to know my clients and what their problems are, what their motivation is, 他们的痛点是什么,让我充分了解他们的需求,并提供成功的结果. 我在这个行业中建立的关系是不可替代的. Conversations I have with my clients, peers, lenders, 或者,评估师往往是10%的业务,90%的时间用来了解彼此的生活或建立关系.

Describe a memorable transaction.

The sale of 800-830 Distribution Drive. 800-830 Distribution Drive was the first industrial property and industrial owner I ever worked for; the original assignment was to lease a 7,200 SF space. 在我第一次在那里展示的时候,我记得我在黑暗中用我的翻盖手机作为灯穿过这个空间,找到了断路器盒, 打开电灯的开关,金属卤化物灯发出了嗡嗡作响的甜美声音. I leased that space, and over the next 10 years I re-leased that space twice more, and also leased the other 52,800 SF in those buildings multiple times over. 多年来,我多次与业主讨论出售这栋建筑,最终在2016年是时候了. 我们和这栋楼签订了三次合同,两次都失败了,最后第三次卖掉了. 我的客户(杰瑞)是我工作过的第一个工业业主,我们已经建立了长达十年的关系, so when it was time to sell it was a bit bittersweet. If you’d like to read more about this deal, visit my blog post.

Why did you decide to make Central Ohio your home?

My move to Columbus was supposed to be temporary, 然而,在这里住了几个月后,看到了增长潜力, I decided to stay. Growing up outside of Cleveland was fine, however, 21世纪初,我的家乡正在走下坡路,而哥伦布正在崛起. 这是一个全新的城市,充满了我在家乡看不到的活力和兴奋, 这些趋势还在继续,我相信还会持续一段时间.

Where do you like to vacation?

Tennessee – On one side you can visit the mountains, hike, see wildlife and spend time in nature, and on the other side there is Nashville, which is a super cool city with lots to do. 从哥伦布开车也很方便,家里的每个人都有事情可做.

What’s a favorite pastime you enjoy?

Spending time with my family is absolutely the best part of any day! 我的妻子和两个女儿每天都支持我,和她们在一起的任何时候我都很珍惜.

Who are your favorite sports teams?

Stewart Hass Racing. I have been a Tony Stewart fan since day 1, and now that he is retired, I’m a fan of any driver that races for his team.

  • Meritex logo
  • Hackman Capital logo
  • Continental Auto Parts logo
  • FST Logistics logo
  • A Carpenter's Son logo
  • Shipping Tree logo
  • Oscar W Larson logo
  • Bark logo
  • Inno-Pak logo
  • The Hollingsworth Companies logo
  • 1-800-Got-Junk logo


A Carpenter’s Son

“NAI Ohio Equities (Blake DeCrane)是我们在A Carpenter’s Son的出色合作伙伴. 他们在寻找我们的仓库/商店空间方面帮了我们很大的忙,他们的跟进和沟通是首屈一指的. I'd highly recommend them for any commercial real estate needs."

Josh Scheutzow, Founder

FST Logistics

“我已经与NAI Ohio Equities密切合作了3年多,并与工业地产团队完成了多项交易. 他们是了解市场的优秀人才,总是把我们的最大利益放在首位."

Matt Hartman, Chairman & CEO

Shipping Tree

“Matt Osowski和工业地产团队非常出色地协助我们将业务扩展到哥伦布, Ohio, Market. 我们把目光投向了一个地点,但由于客户的需求,我们的时间提前了. 我们发现这个空间无法及时满足客户的时间表, 但马特和他的团队很快做出了调整,为我们找到了一处能够满足时间需求的新房产. Matt的市场知识和适应能力帮助我们在哥伦布获得了一个很棒的仓库/分销设施."

Jesse Kaufman, CEO & Founder

Oscar W. Larson Co

“Matt Osowski和他的团队对市场非常了解,能够为我们的搬迁提供所有可能的选择. After several tours, Matt identified a space that was on the market, however, the landlord did not want to split the space to our suitable size. 我们参观了这个地方,并与房东一起努力寻找一个对双方都有效的协议. 马特理解我们的需求,并能够清楚地解释房东的目的,以达成共识."

James C. Lintrol, EVP


“在过去的两个月里,我很高兴与Matt Osowski和Ohio Equities合作,为我们不断增长的业务/仓库需求寻找完美的地点. 马特不仅为我们找到了合适的地点,而且在最适合我们的业务和长期需求时,他非常耐心和诚实. His knowledge of the Columbus area, overall state of the industry, and advice throughout the negotiation was first class. 马特总是在需要的时候出现,从头到尾都非常周到. 一定会把他和他的代理机构推荐给其他寻求一流商业地产经验的人吗."

Chris Warren, Director of Operations


“我们对工业地产团队和售后回租流程非常满意. 从我们第一次见面到交易完成,只过了120天. 从我们的财务分析到购买合同和租赁的谈判, 工业物业团队在整个过程中为我们提供了无缝的指导."

Todd Sill, CEO

The Hollingsworth Companies

“马特和科特给了我们一系列的期望,然后很快就超出了所有的期望. They leased both suites before the prior tenant vacated, at market lease rates, 然后帮我们联系了一个承包商来顺利完成扩建工作. 我们很乐意回到他们的租赁工作横跨哥伦布."

Jessica Carney, Portfolio Director


“在购买了三处商业地产后,我们与NAI Ohio Equities合作获得了极好的体验. In particular, Matt Osowski在帮助我们进行尽职调查和购买一栋有一些问题需要解决的建筑/仓库方面做得非常出色. He drove the effort! We look forward to working with him in future sales or purchases."

Joe Gillotti, Owner

Axiom Precision

“我们在一个非常紧张的市场中寻找一个非常受欢迎的建筑,需要快速的反应时间和市场知识, NAI Ohio Equities的工业地产团队能够帮助我们找到完美的建筑."

Todd Damon, President

HF Group

"NAI-OE and Matt Osowski were extremely patient, 乐于助人,并决心为我们的特殊项目找到合适的地点和房东. 我们的空间的独特要求和规格意味着可用站点的数量是有限的, 马特从未放弃他的努力,我对他和NAI感激不尽!"

Jay Fairfield, Chairman & CEO

Honda Logistics

“自2012年以来,我们一直与工业物业团队合作,他们帮助谈判了两份新租约. 每次他们都理解我们在特定地理区域的需求,并且知道满足我们需求的选择有限. They completed an extensive search, organized the data, and prepared it so it was easy for me to review. Once a building was chosen, they assisted in the lease negotiation. 他们的市场知识是无价的,也是让我们对自己的决策充满信心的关键. 我很乐意将它们推荐给该地区任何有工业需求的人."

Mollie Elliot, Lead Buyer

The Meritex Company

“我很荣幸与Matt Osowski合作,作为我们在哥伦布的几处房产的租赁代理, Ohio. Because of his tenacity, hard work and understanding of our product type and tenants, we achieved 100% occupancy in this market."

Jill Evans, Portfolio Manager

Hackman Capital Partners

“NAI俄亥俄股票工业团队为我们做了出色的工作. 收购东南工业园区后,我们的目标是单独出售这些建筑. 他们的团队已经向经纪社区和最终用户清楚地传达了我们的目标. 通过积极的营销努力,他们已经卖出了公园里18栋建筑中的13栋. We appreciate their determined and honest approach to business."

Ben Struewing, VP - Leasing, Sales, & Acquisitions

Hyperlogistics Group

“我们衷心感谢工业物业团队在过去15年的卓越服务. 工业物业团队始终了解我们的业务及其挑战. 无论是帮助寻找短期仓库空间还是协助出售我们的建筑物, 他们代表我们最大利益的奉献精神一直受到赞赏. 多年来,我们要求工业产权团队做一些事情,工业产权团队对每项任务都同等重视. 从每月租赁2万平方英尺,到出售34万平方英尺的甲级写字楼. 他们的承诺,决心和市场知识使我们能够实现我们的目标.

One of their most important traits is their honesty. It is difficult in these times to maintain a moral compass. Theirs is fine-tuned and on the mark all the time. When we combine this trait with their loyalty, 它使工业产权团队远远高于其他所有团队. 我的商业伙伴和我都非常感谢他们的出色工作和可靠性.


Seatta "Sean" Layland & Geoffrey D. Manack, Owners

Kenda Tires

“当我们结束这一年,开始思考2016年的日历年, 我再次衷心感谢工业物业团队在过去17年多来的卓越服务. Over this period of time, 工业地产团队代表我们进行了几次建筑收购, both in Ohio and across the country, and with each new project, 工业物业团队总是花时间了解我们的想法,并考虑我们的利益进行谈判. Honestly, 和一个你可以信任的人一起工作,他为实现我们的目标而努力工作,这是非常令人欣慰的. 我衷心感谢合作伙伴关系,并推动工业物业团队带来的每一个新项目.

Please also know that without question, 我强烈推荐工业物业团队给任何希望在全国任何地方完成房地产项目的人."

P. Jeffrey Pizzola, Group CFO & COO

2770/2790 Thunderhawk Ct

“Mathew Osowski是我们商业灵活空间的买家代理. As an investor, 我很欣赏马特的洞察力,他确保我没有忽视任何事情,并且我在投资时尽可能多地了解信息."

Kevin O'Conner

Case Studies

Top Transactions

  • Inno-Pak | 54,430 SF | 1932 Pittsburgh Dr (Sale-Leaseback)
  • Meritex Columbus | 43,750 SF | 2199-2201 Dividend Dr (Lease)
  • Shipping Tree | 39,235 SF | 4720 Poth Rd (Lease)
  • Gatehouse Media Ohio Holdings II, Inc. | 8.5 Acres | 0 Crosswind Dr (Sale)
  • WTOL, LLC | 164,450 SF | 555 Yearling Rd (Sale)
  • Wells Fargo Bank | 141,447 SF | 4051 Fondorf (Sale)
  • FST Logistics | 324,000 | 3280 South Park Pl (Lease)
  • Columbus 2 LLC | 134,282 SF | 2400-2410 McGaw Rd (Sale)
  • Shasta Beverages, Inc. | 351,228 SF | 3219 Rohr Rd (Lease)
  • FST Logistics | 356,000 | 5400 Renner Rd & 1727 Georgesville Rd (Sale-Leaseback)
  • 710 Deer Run Rd | Komyo America | 418,800 SF (Lease)
  • Sawmill Pointe Business Park定制配送中心| Inno-Pak | 423,197平方英尺(租赁)
  • 4720 Poth Rd | Shipping Tree | 39,235 SF (Renewal)
  • 1641 Taylor Rd | Grimco, Inc. | 144,375 SF (Lease)
  • 4000 Parkway Ln | Dunlap Holdings, LLC | 14,484 SF (Sale)
  • Johnstown Rd 2622-2624 | Ross Restoration Holdings, LLC | 10,080平方英尺(出售)
  • 4744 Bridgeway Ave | West Shore Home LLC | 29,616 SF (Lease)
  • 8130 Corporate Blvd | Vincent Realty PC LLC | 12,150 SF (Sale)
  • 3495 Gantz Rd | FST Logistics | 183,528 SF (Sublease)
  • 10601 Dog Leg Rd | Komyo America | 521,154 SF (Lease)
  • 2882 Lewis Centre Way | Westbaker I, LLC | 21,600 (Lease)
  • 3219 Rohr Rd | Shasta Beverages, Inc. | 243,204 SF (Renewal)


Society of Office & Industrial Realtors (SIOR)
National Association of REALTORS®
Ohio Association of REALTORS®
Columbus REALTORS®
CORPAC Major Investor
CORPAC, Past Co-Vice Chair
Columbus REALTORS®, Chair for COCIE Governing Committee
SIOR Ohio Chapter, President

Top Clients

FST Logistics
Kenda Tires
The Hollingsworth Companies
Schottenstein Property Group
Hackman Capital Partners
Honda Logistics North America
Bark Inc
Grimco Inc
Rittal Corporation
Johnstone Supply
Komyo Logistics
Inno Pak